Acrylic Nail Fungus / acrylic nails / body care / body care series / fungi cure / fungi infection / skincare / skincare treatment / treatment

The Best Ways to Treat Acrylic Nail Fungus

My finger nails have been hurting me really bad after I took of my acrylics nails. Then my nail bed got soft, started cracking and breaking easily. The panic started when I looked at my nails one morning and noticed my nails was growing inwards and not outwards, meaning the nail was starting to detach from the nail bed. OHHH I panicked and then found out I had ‘Nail Fungus’. SO I did some research and bought treatment that has been working and now my nails are back to normal in a few days. 

The ‘Acrylic Nail Fungus’
Have you heard about this before?

Well, those who use the acrylic or artificial nails may have heard this before.

Actually, from the technical point of view, there is no such thing as fungi, the root cause behind the nail fungus cannot infect the artificial nails, but it obviously can affect one’s natural nails underneath the artificial ones.

Now, the nail fungal infection may go unnoticed for a long time under acrylic nails as it hides there. Once the nail gets infected, the fungus thrives as the fake nails offer a perfect place for them to thrive – a warm, moist and dark atmosphere. The false nails mask the fungus infection and help it spread.

Causes of Acrylic Nail Fungus.
The acrylic nails application involves altering, thickening, and lengthening of one’s natural nails. And, this thing causes fungus infection between the layers. The application nail polish on the fake nails also acts negatively as the fungi will thrive there due to the moisture.

The nail professionals also apply the acrylic nails over the natural nails of a person and the already harboring fungus spores there make the situation worse. This situation promotes the decay of the nails.

Also, the tools used by the nail professionals at the salons may be the reason behind the acrylic nail fungus. The salon professional use the same tools for all their customers. Now, the fungi present in the tools can infect you when you go there. This is one of the common causes of acrylic nail fungus.

The poorly fitted acrylic nails can also cause the nail fungus infection.

And, the lifting of the artificial nails is also responsible for this problem. It happens mostly when you are applying these nails yourself. When the acrylic nails are lifted or they are not fitted properly over the natural nails, water gets in easily and thus, it provides a breeding ground for the infection. So, poor fitting of the fake nails is also one of the causes of acrylic nail fungus.

Treatment of Acrylic Nail Fungus.

There are many treatment options for the treatment of the Acrylic Nail Fungus, but what worked for me was the Maximum strength Fungi Cure.

The nail fungus infection lasts for months when it is not treated. When the infection occurs, the first thing that you should do is to remove the fake nails and cut down the natural nails short. Then apply the Fungi Cure oil into the nails and around your cuticle. It comes with a brush which makes it easier to apply the medication on your nails.

Some at-home treatments that work.
1. Vinegar – This natural nail fungus remedy works effectively. The white vinegar and the Apple Cider vinegar are very popular for this purpose. Soak in your affected nails in the solution for about 30 minutes daily. Keep applying it till you see the results for your acrylic nail fungus.
2. Listerine – This mouthwash works well for the nail fungus treatment. Soak in your affected area for 30 minutes daily. It works for both the toe nail fungus and finger nail fungus. It is an effective treatment of acrylic nail fungus.

3. Essential Oils – Try the different essential oils like the lavender oil, olive oil and jojoba oil etc. These natural oils have great properties that eliminate the fungus and also work for healing the wounds. These oils work well for the Acrylic nail fungus.

Prevention is always better than Cure.

To prevent the acrylic nail fungus infection, make sure the nail salon you are going to is very clean and their equipment is sterilized after every use.

When you notice one of your acrylic nail lifting or is not fitted well, then you must glue it back immediately in order to prevent it from moisture. So, always take a glue-stick with you in your handbag.

P.S. – One important piece of advice for the ladies – Never try the acrylic nails if you are in a profession that requires you to have your hands in water a lot. Constant contact with water weakens the glue and the nails lift.
Have you ever had a fungi infection on your nails after doing acrylic nails? how did you cure it? pls share.


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